Friday, March 4, 2011

Top 10 things to bring and buy for travelling to India

Top 10 things that you should bring to India upon reflection:

1. Warm Sleeping Bag
2. Portable Water Filtration device
3. Canada patch
4. Camera with extra memory sticks and batteries
5. Warm Socks
6. Portable pillow for loooong train rides
7. Sketchbook
8. Mosquito net - always comes in handy
9. Lonely Planet guide to India
10. Money on hand and money in a bank with low internation withdrawal fees

Things that come in handy, and are worth buying when you are in India:

1. English - Hindi Book of common phrases
2. Cell Phone - hook one up, buy a phone, it's dirt cheap!
3. Handmade journal for writing about all the amazing things you will see!
4. Travel mug for all the chai you will consume
5. A step down converter plug if you want to charge your North American device in India
6. Comfortable slippers
7. Incense to help make the hotel rooms cozy
8. Pudin Hara - natural mint tablets good for soothing the stomach when upset
9. Address book for all the fine travelers and people your WILL meet...also a calendar comes in handy
10.Alcohol wet cloths, nothings beats a good hand wipey wipe.

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