1. Making water from thin air (http://www.air2water.net/products.html)
2. Cleaning Ocean Water with Desalinization, ie removing salt content (http://www.gewater.com/what_we_do/water_scarcity/desalination.jsp)
3. Bamboo Bikes...nuff said (http://www.bamboobike.org/)
4. Water Bottle that filters water that exits...great for natural disaster where water is filled with bacteria and viruses (http://www.lifesaversystems.com/aboutus.html)
5. Compressed Air Cars...just air baby, just air. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compressed_air_car
6. Miniature Wind Turbines, cuz you know wind is everywhere, and like nothing sits on top of my roof: https://www.eolien.qc.ca/?id=36&titre=Small_wind_turbines&em=6387
7. Flexible Solar Panels, batteries sorry to say, but your gonna die soon: http://www.flexsolarcells.com/
8. Mud Houses...the ancients knew what was up...http://auroville.org/thecity/architecture/arch_regina_mudhousei.htm
9. Capturing energy from ocean waves: http://ocsenergy.anl.gov/guide/wave/index.cfm
10. Farming atop of High-Rises: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2008/07/vertical-garden.php